Master's Research
The purpose of this research paper is to present background material and analyze characteristics of eight pieces for solo and chamber percussion to determine their legacy in the developing percussion repertoire. The instrumentation of these works represents a diverse program reflective of a total percussion curriculum, including multi-percussion, snare drum, marimba, and timpani. Two pieces feature electronic accompaniment: one piece with playback track, and one with live electronics. The pieces performed are Rebonds b by Iannis Xenakis, Thunder by Joe W. Moore III, The Whimsical Nature of Small Particle Physics by Ben Wahlund, Tchik by Nicolas Martynciow, Burritt Variations by Alejandro Viñao, Cold Light by Benjamin Finley, Gardens by Austin Browne, and Catching Shadows by Ivan Trevino.
These pieces were performed at my graduate recital on March 4th, 2023.
View my master's recital here!: